This page is a beta version. There may be bugs.
Please compare and verify with the files created by change.exe before use.

Main-5: If you are using an existing smc file, please upload the file.


Pre-input Checklist

C H A N G E: Simulation flags

C H A N G E: Simulation flags
1 - Write results to the screen. ................:
2 - Write images to files........................:
3 - Write pulse-height distribution to file......:
4 - Include the collimator.......................:
5 - Simulate a SPECT study.......................:
6 - Include characteristic x-ray emissions ......:
7 - Include backscattering material..............:
8 - Use a random seed value .....................:
9 - Currently not in use.........................:
10 - Include interactions in the cover............:
11 - Include interactions in the phantom..........:
12 - Include energy resolution in the crystal ....:
13 - Include forced interactions in crystal ......:
14 - Write interfile header files.................:
15 - Save aligned phantom images..................:

Flag-2 = True will result in Flag-5 = False.
Flag-4 = False will cause Index-46 to Index-60 to be ignored.
Rotation is performed in the yz-plane.
Flag-5 = True will result in Flag-2 = False.
It depends on the contents of simind.ini.
The thickness is specified by Index-11.
The maximum number of scatterings is 3, but this can be changed by editing simind.ini.
If set to False, the same calculation results will be obtained each time.
This can be useful for specific purposes such as debugging, but it is generally recommended to set it to True.
The cross-sectional area of the cover is specified in Main-9.
The thickness is specified in Index-13.
The energy resolution is specified in Index-22.
The intrinsic spatial resolution is specified in Index-23.
The image (*.ict) and header (*.hct) will be output.
These files will only be generated if Index-11 = True and a voxel phantom is being used (Index-14 = negative value).

Main page for SIMIND version V8.0

C H A N G E: Main page for SIMIND version V8.0
1 - Comment sentence...............:
2 - Change general data ...........:
3 - Change simulation flags........:
4 - SMC file to export ............:
5 - SMC file to import.............:
6 - Transfer changes to SMC files..:
7 - Phantom soft tissue............:
8 - Phantom bone tissue............:
9 - Cover material.................:
10 - Crystal material...............:
11 - Image file - phantom ..........:
12 - Image file - source ...........:
13 - Backscatter material...........:
14 - Energy-resolution file.........:

C H A N G E: Scintillation camera parameters

C H A N G E: Scintillation camera parameters
1 - Photon energy............................keV:
2 - Source: half-length
3 - Source: half-width
4 - Source: half-height
5 - Phantom: half-length
6 - Phantom: half-width
7 - Phantom: half-height
8 - Crystal: half-length/
9 - Crystal:
10 - Crystal: half-width..[0=circular]
11 - Backscattering material:
12 - Height to detector
13 - Cover:
14 - Phantom type................................:
15 - Source type................................:

C H A N G E: Scintillation camera parameters

C H A N G E: Scintillation camera parameters
16 - Shift source in
17 - Shift source in
18 - Shift source in
19 - Photon direction.........................deg:
20 - Upper window threshold...................keV:
21 - Lower window threshold...................keV:
22 - Energy resolution ...[140 keV]............ %:
23 - Intrinsic resolution [140 keV]
24 - Emitted photons per decay...................:
25 - Source activity..........................MBq:
26 - Number of photon histories * 1E6............:
27 - keV/channel..............................keV:
28 - Pixel size in simulated
29 - SPECT: No of projections....................:
30 - SPECT: Rotation [0=-360,1=-180,2=360,3=180] :

C H A N G E: Non-homogeneous phantom and SPECT parameters

C H A N G E: Non-homogeneous phantom and SPECT parameters
31 - Pixel size in density images............. cm:
32 - Orientation of the density images ..........:
33 - First image of the set of density images....:
34 - Number of density images....................:
35 - Density limit that defin the border... g/cm3:
36 - Shift density images rel origin (y-dir)
37 - Shift density images rel origin (z-dir)
38 - Step size for photon path
39 - Shift density images rel origin.(x-dir).,,cm:
40 - Density threshold between soft & bone..g/cm3:
41 - SPECT: Starting angle................ degree:
42 - SPECT: Orbital rotation fraction............:
43 - Camera offset :
44 - Camera offset :
45 - Code definitions in generic Zubal phantom...:

Set up the heterogeneous phantom.
The half-length of the phantom in the x-direction is ____ cm, as specified in Index-5.
Each pixel in the density map should be density + 1000. Adding 1000 to the CT image works well.

C H A N G E: Collimator parameters si-lehr

C H A N G E: Collimator parameters XX-XXXX
46 - Hole size X.............................. cm:
47 - Hole size Y.............................. cm:
48 - Distance between holes in
49 - Distance between holes in
50 - Shif center hole in
51 - Shif center hole in
52 - Collimator
53 - Collimator routine .........................:
54 - Hole shape:2=Circular,3=Hex,4=Rectangular...:
55 - Type: 0=PA,1=PI,2=CO,3=FB,4=DV,5=SH ........:
56 - Collimator-dependent variable 1. :
57 - Collimator-dependent variable 2. :
58 - Collimator-dependent variable 3. :
59 - Random collimator movement (0=no)...........:
60 - Collimator-dependent variable 4. :

*Index-46 to Index-69 are relevant only if collimator simulation is enabled in Flag-4.

Collimator Selection

C H A N G E: Imaging parameters and other settings

C H A N G E: Imaging parameters and other settings
76 - Matrix size image I ........................:
77 - Matrix size image J ........................:
78 - Matrix size density map I ..................:
79 - Matrix size source map I ..................:
80 - Energy spectra channels ....................:
81 - Matrix size Density map J ..................:
82 - Matrix size source map J ..................:
83 - Cut-off energy to terminate photon history..:
84 - Scoring routine ............................:
85 - CSV file content ...........................:

C H A N G E: Solid-State detector settings - I

C H A N G E: Solid-State detector settings - I
91 - Voltage...................................V:
92 - Mobility life (electrons)........10-3 cm2/V:
93 - Mobility life (holes) ...........10-3 cm2/V:
94 - Contact pad size ...................... cm:
95 - Anode element pitch .................... cm:
96 - Exponential decay constant (tau)...........:
97 - Components in Hecht formula (e=0, e+h=1)...:
98 - Energy resolution model ...................:
99 - Cloud mobility.............................:
100 - Detector Array Size I ...............pixels:
101 - Detector Array Size J ...............pixels:

In this version of SIMIND, it is possible to perform simulations of solid-state Cadmium Zinc Telluride (CZT).

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