C H A N G E: Simulation flags
1 - Write results to the screen. ................:
2 - Write images to files........................:
3 - Write pulse-height distribution to file......:
4 - Include the collimator.......................:
5 - Simulate a SPECT study.......................:
6 - Include characteristic x-ray emissions ......:
7 - Include backscattering material..............:
8 - Use a random seed value .....................:
9 - Currently not in use.........................:
10 - Include interactions in the cover............:
11 - Include interactions in the phantom..........:
12 - Include energy resolution in the crystal ....:
13 - Include forced interactions in crystal ......:
14 - Write interfile header files.................:
15 - Save aligned phantom images..................:
Main page for SIMIND version V8.0
C H A N G E: Main page for SIMIND version V8.0
1 - Comment sentence...............:
2 - Change general data ...........:
3 - Change simulation flags........:
4 - SMC file to export ............:
5 - SMC file to import.............:
6 - Transfer changes to SMC files..:
7 - Phantom soft tissue............:
8 - Phantom bone tissue............:
9 - Cover material.................:
10 - Crystal material...............:
11 - Image file - phantom ..........:
12 - Image file - source ...........:
13 - Backscatter material...........:
14 - Energy-resolution file.........: