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Scapular lateral view (Scapular Y view)

Japanese ver.

Suitable for observation of fractures and bone changes in the scapula.

Prior confirmation
Remove obstacles.


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Standing, seated or supine.
Hold the non-affected shoulder with the affected hand.
Place the acromioclavicular joint at the middle part line of the cassette.
The patient should be placed in an oblique position with the affected side close to the cassette so that the line connecting the acromioclavicular joint and the superior angle of the scapula is perpendicular to the cassette (about 20-60°).
In the supine position, the patient is placed in an oblique position with the affected side away from the patient.
The angle is less for obese patients.

CR, distance, field size
CR : Vertical X-ray incidence toward the scapula.
Distance : 100cm
Field size : Include from the subscapular angle to the clavicle.

Exposure condition
75kV / 40mAs
Grid ( + )
Suspend respiration.

Image, check-point
Normal (Radiopaedia)

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The scapula is depicted in a Y-shape.
The scapula can be observed laterally with little overlap with the humerus.
The scapula is well visualized with a sufficient dose.


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