The relationship between the fetal head and the pregnant woman’s pelvis is projected.
Measurement of the pregnant woman’s pelvic diameter is used to determine whether a natural birth or a cesarean section is appropriate.
Indications for pelvic measurement include:
1. Vaginal delivery after cesarean section.
2. History of difficult childbirth.
3. Height less than 150 cm.
4. Fundal height of the uterus 38 cm or more.
5. Floating fetal head in primiparous women.
6. Pelvic presentation (vaginal delivery).
7. Arrest of labor.
Prior confirmation
Explanation of radiation exposure as needed.
Remove any obstacles.
Align the midsagittal plane with the cassette in parallel.
Press the lateral pelvic area against the cassette to restrict body movement.
Ensure the lumbar area is vertical against the cassette.
Have the patient move their arms away from the irradiation field.
Place the ruler between the groin.
Place RL / LR markers.
CR, distance, field size
CR : Perpendicular incidence towards a point 2 fingerwidth above from the greater trochanter.
Distance : 120-200 cm.
Field size : The upper border is 2 fingerwidth above the iliac crest, the lower border includes the measuring tape area, and the posterior border includes the sacrum.
Exposure condition
100kV / 35mAs
Grid ( + )
Full expiration.
Image, check-point
The femoral shafts are overlapping, and the left and right acetabula are projected as concentric circles.
The ruler is readable at least 10 cm.
The obstetric conjugate, anatomical conjugate, and external conjugate lines are measurable.
There is no motion-induced blur.
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