Observation from the lateral view of the nasal bones and soft tissue.
The imaging technique is similar to the lateral head imaging, with the exception of differences in X-ray dosage.
In some cases, imaging may be done from both directions for comparison.
Prior confirmation
Remove any obstructing objects (Piercing, glasses, etc.).
Prone or seated position.
Rotate the head, making the affected side closer to the detector the lateral side.
Place markers (R->L, L->R).
Align the mid-sagittal plane parallel to the cassette.
Align the Frankfort horizontal plane perpendicular to the cassette.
CR, distance, field size
CR : Direct the X-ray beam perpendicular to the cassette towards the nasion.
Distance : 100 cm.
Field size : Narrow down the field of view to include the area from the frontal sinus to the nasal process, minimizing the influence of scattered radiation.
Exposure condition
50kV / 4mAs
Grid ( – )
Suspend respiration
Image, check-point
Normal (Radiopaedia)
The nasal bones should be visible in the lateral.
The irradiation field size should be minimized to include only the necessary area.
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